“The service and worship of the Gospel is to receive good things from God.”
(Augsburg Confession, Apology IV.310)

You are invited to our services, where the Lord Himself promises to serve His gifts to us.

What can you expect when visiting a service at Holy Cross?

Our services may be described this way:

"Our Lord speaks and we listen. His Word bestows what it says. Faith that is born from what is heard acknowledges the gifts received with eager thankfulness and praise. Music is drawn into this thankfulness and praise, enlarging and elevating the adoration of our gracious giver God.

Saying back to Him what He has said to us, we repeat what is most true and sure. Most true and sure is His Name, which He put upon us with the water of our Baptism. We are His. This we acknowledge at the beginning of the Divine Service. Where His Name is, there is He. Before Him we acknowledge that we are sinners, and we plead for forgiveness. His forgiveness is given us, and we, freed and forgiven, acclaim Him as our great and gracious God as we apply to ourselves the words He has used to make Himself known to us.

The rhythm of our worship is from Him to us, and then from us back to Him. He gives His gifts, and together we receive and extol them. We build one another up as we speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Our Lord gives us His body to eat and His blood to drink. Finally, His blessing moves us out into our calling, where His gifts have their fruition. How best to do this we may learn from His Word and from the way His Word has prompted His worship through the centuries. We are heirs of an astonishingly rich tradition. Each generation receives from those who went before and, in making that tradition of the Divine Service its own, adds what best may serve in its own day the living heritage and something new.”

- Dr. Norman Nagel (From the introduction to Lutheran Worship)

oly Cross Lutheran Church About

Pastor Marsh Shamburger

Pastor Shamburger was installed as Senior Pastor of Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church in March of 2023. He was formerly an Assistant Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Albuquerque, NM.

He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, IN (MDiv) and Baylor University in Waco, TX with a BA in Music History and Composition.

He is married to Rachel and their sons Harrison and Graeme live in Texas and Colorado. Together they enjoy songwriting, recording music, and playing golf.

Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva

Deaconess Pamela Boehle-Silva, RN is a longstanding member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. She has served as a deaconess since 2011. Prior to that, she served as Parish Nurse since 1996. She is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne in 2011 (MA in Deaconess Studies), Sacramento State University (BS in Nursing)

She has also served Christ’s poor and suffering ones in Kenya since 2006. She and her husband, Dennis founded Always Mercy, alwaysmercy.org a U.S. based nonprofit, dedicated to providing compassionate care to those in need in Western Kenya. She is also one of the founding members of Rehema Open Door Health Services, palliative care and hospice center in Kenya.

Rev. John Paul Meyer

(Pastor Emertius)

Rev. Charles Froh

(Pastor Emeritus)

Rev. Peter Ledic

(Pastor Emeritus)

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
(Matt 18:20)

Everything, therefore, in the Christian Church is ordered to the end that we shall daily obtain there nothing but the forgiveness of sin through the Word and signs, to comfort and encourage our consciences as long as we live here.

– Large Catechism (The Creed, Article III)